viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Divine Intervention

Antes, una breve introducción en castellano.

Este texto está escrito enteramente en inglés, luego de efectuadas las correcciones necesarias, será publicado tanto acá en mi blog como en la próxima edición de la revista del Liceo Cultural Británico. Agradezco infinitamente el honor de que mi humilde escrito sea publicado y prometo seguir mejorando la calidad de mi redacción. Ahora sí, pasamos a lo que os truje, prometiendo también una versión en castellano para una próxima entrada.

My family had always been in contact with nature. I had five brothers and two sisters. We all lived in a little bunch of tents near the chief’s house. We were a family of hunters. We learnt the art of archery from our ancestors. We were really accurate and we could easily take down a big rampant deer with a single arrow. We were a very united community, not only among ourselves, but with our neighbours too.
We had also a very efficient trading system with them. We traded deer meat for some corn because we didn’t have enough for us. But, we did it secretly because our enemies forced us to pay them a huge tribute with corn. As corn was a part of almost everything tha we ate, we needed to trade it in order to get enough food for us. I hoped the gods would help us to keep Moctezuma out of here. If he had found out that the trade route had existed, he would have sent his armies and had slaughtered us with no mercy. We weren’t strong enough to face them in battle, especially in those times when the Aztec army had recently raided our village and kidnapped a lot of people to sacrifice them.
One day, I was praying at our temple when one of my brothers told me that had been bathing in the sea and saw something so amazing that he couldn’t believe his eyes. All the people in the village were excited and the priests were yelling prayers and sacred chants. Could it be possible?. Did the legend come true?. Did the gods finally arrive to help us?. I rushed home and told my family to prepare the best meat that we had and to stuff it. I wanted to offer the gods the best I could, but I was really excited to meet them, actually.
I took my five brothers with me and we went to the beach. It wasn’t so far away and finally we met the gods. We were shocked at the sight. Their skin was lighter than ours and they were taller. They brought their houses with them!. These were wooden houses and they were floating on the sea. The gods wore metallic clothes and some of them had beards. But the most shocking thing was they also brought strange and scary animals. Tall hornless deer, that made even stranger noises. Some gods were actually riding them. The gods were speaking a very odd language and we could only understand each other by signs and gestures. But, suddenly, a young woman from a foreign village appeared among the bunch of gods. She came to me and introduced me to the leader of the gods. She said that they called themselves “españoles” and that the leader’s name was “Cortés”. She added that the gods came here looking for gold and spice. So, I asked the gods to come to our village and I offered them a place to stay there. They accepted and they seemed very grateful.
That night, the villagers and the gods were at the centre of our village eating and celebrating the god’s arrival. They were excited about watching our women dancing near the fire and they were enjoying very much our food and music. We were all happy and we were having a great time together. Everything was fine until we heard the horn of war. Our sentinels were rushing and yelling. We feared the worst. And our fears suddenly came true when we could see blazing torches coming closer and closer.
Hundreds of eagle and jaguar warriors of Moctezuma were about to burn down our houses, rape our wives and daughters and take a lot of us to their major temple in their capital city, to tear our hearts out and let our blood run down the stairs of the pyramid, offering it to the sun, to make it rise again the following days. I would not let it happen so I took my bow and my arrows, and I looked for a place to shelter and shoot the aztecs from there.
Finally the aztecz arrived at the village and started fighting against us. We put our women in our tents and huts and got ready to defend our lives. The atmosphere was very confusing and it was all foggy. The first huts were burnt and the smoke and its smell covered all the place. I could only hear shouts and crashing of the spears. Our people were fighting very well but we were rapidly outnumbered by the aztecs. I was nearly spitting arrows and I quickly ran out of them. Meanwhile, the gods were fighting on our side. They were really good and, with their own spears and long knives they could easily make the numbers more fair. Suddenly, in the middle of the battle, we heard a loud but short clap of thunder. And then, the same noise again. And a third time. But we didn’t see any lights in the night sky. The aztec stopped fighting when they heard the claps of thunder. They were even more scared when thay saw that there were five gods with strange wooden sticks pointing to them. The thunder came out of those sticks. A thunder, a small flame in the tip of the stick, a dead aztec on the ground, and finally, just white smoke. With such a view, the aztecs that were left, started to run away from our village. We chased them and killed a few but the rest of them disappeared in the jungle. After our great victory, the celebration went on and we felt stronger than ever with the gods on our side.
The next morning, I went to the chief’s house. I had the idea of telling him to ask the gods for help to free us from the aztecs, having seen the results of the battle the night before. I turned up saw the god’s leader, Cortés, talking with the chief, with that young woman as a translator. When Cortés and the woman left, the chief told me tha it had all just been arranged. My idea!. The chief and Cortés thought the same!. I was really happy. We would be free!. Right then, we, the gods and the villagers, started to get ready to fight against the aztecs. But not in the middle of nowhere in the jungle. We would go to their capital itself. The great Tenochtitlán. It was an artificial island on the Texcoco lake. It has three bridges that connect the city with the jungle. Right in its centre, is their major temple, and next to it, is Moctezuma’s palace.
I finished my new bow for this special event and I prepared poisonous arrows too. The gods prepared theirs spears and kives, their sticks of thunder and their hornless deer. At that night, we started marching towards Tenochtitlán.
The battle lasted three long days. Many villagers died and some gods too. But the aztecs fell like flies. Cuauthémoc, Moctezuma’s successor, was killed by the gods and the city finally fell. Cortés told then, all the villagers to gather near the exit of one of the bridges. He came to us with his colleagues and spoke a few words. He separated our chief from us. He took a stick of thunder and killed him. We were all shocked and started running away like the aztecs. We didn’t want to die by a clap of thunder or any other weapon. Many of us died. We were fooled by these “españoles”. I still hope the gods to come to help us.

Juan Ernesto Montero

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